Motivation in sport is the element that drives us to be constant, keep up the effort, overcome obstacles and not falter; understanding the latter not as the fact of "failing" or "losing", but as the fact of giving up, which is what we want to avoid at all costs.
Even our leading and most talented athletes have faced this phenomenon. They have encountered stages in their sports life or professional career of demotivation in which the desire and strength decrease, but anxiety increases.
There is no secret or magic formula to avoid or overcome these phases in our sports life, however, there are general factors that you must take into account to understand and combat what happens to you.

- Visualize the goal: define your sports goals in the short, medium and long term, progressively and aware of your abilities, process and context so that the goals you define are viable and do not lead to frustration. And don't lose sight of those goals, own them.
- Trust you: we know that sometimes it is not as easy as it sounds, but look for mechanisms such as gratitude, retrospection of your process and remembering your achievements, progress and learning to relieve your concerns or doubts.
- Identify the excuses and eliminate them: the most difficult thing is to be constant, especially when you are not an athlete by profession and you must divide your time between sports, work, training, family and others. However, we can enhance our awareness to recognize when obstacles are real and when they are excuses. Once identified, find a way to organize your responsibilities, opening space for sport. Choose your challenges, schedules and training intensity according to your context and need.
- Look for support: having a close circle or someone who supports you is essential. Tell your friends and family about your sports goals, about your training and how you feel about it. People who know you will always give you reasons to trust you and have words of admiration and encouragement. Share your situation with people on your team or who also practice a sport, they will understand you and you will surely find someone who has gone through and overcome a similar situation. If you have a coach, tell him how you feel, that is essential because he is the person who guides your process and has the knowledge to advise and help you.
- Rest: sometimes it is necessary to disconnect the body and the mind, especially when, with lack of motivation, you feel fatigued. A day or two without training, at the right time, will do you a lot of good.
Visualization, confidence, awareness, support and rest are the allies of an active and passionate sports life.